Full Membership
Enables you to use the courts at any time with other club members. There is the opportunity to play in club teams throughout the year. Club tennis is on Wednesday evenings and Saturday afternoons, with intermediate night on mondays and mens night on thursdays, when the order of play is determined by a rota system. There are also morning club sessions on Monday and Thursday mornings. The main club tournament runs through May to July, several American tournaments are held during the year and a handicap tournament in the Autumn.
Midweek Membership
Enables you to play Monday to Friday (excluding Bank Holiday Mondays) until 5pm. There are club sessions on Monday and Thursday mornings. Please note that most courts are required for coaching weekdays from 4-7pm during term time.
Student Membership
Is for those in full time education between the ages of 18 and 24. These student members live in the Tring area and play as Full members.
Junior Membership
Is for those Under 18 years old. Most Juniors have coaching which is run during term time Monday –Friday from 4-7pm as required. There are Junior teams and club competitions. In the summer there are also Saturday club morning with organized play for those who can manage a full size court, usually the Over 9 Juniors.
The Under 9 Juniors pay a reduced subscription. Juniors can use the courts to play with other members at any time provided they avoid the senior club sessions, matches and coaching. Good Juniors may be awarded Senior Status and these Juniors may play as Full Members.
Family Membership
Was introduced for the 2013 season. Any family combination is possible and there is a
5% discount for 2 members of the same family
10% discount for 3 members
15% discount for 4 or more.
£5.00 PER WEEK!!